Monday, February 18, 2008

I finally caved...

Isn't she the sweetest thing you ever saw! This is the newest addition to our family. Eko was born January 3, 2008, and we brought her home today! Elijah has been begging for a black dog for about 10 months now. There are a million reasons why I didn't want another living creature to take care of, but in the end Elijah won.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Go Hogs!

Super Bowl Sunday. Whoopie. I am not a big sports fan so days such as this are not a big deal to me. However, our church has a tradition for everyone to wear their favorite sports team apparel to church on Super Bowl Sunday. Elijah and I wore our Hogs sweatshirts. Abby just happened to wear her Razorbacks cheerleading outfit. Priceless.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Queen for a day

I finally broke down and went to one of Lexi's pageants. I am not too thrilled with pageants because I don't like what they promote. I believe it teaches children that physical beauty is what you strive for and that is how you get ahead in life. I went because I rarely get to go to either of the girls extracurricular activities and wanted Lexi to know I care. She looked beautiful and was crowned Queen for the Little Miss Brookland pageant. I just pray Lexi always knows what a beautiful person she is and it doesn't take a judge to tell her that. I love that little girl!


One of Elijah's friends from church, Saraya, had her fourth birthday party today and the theme was Peter Pan. Of course, we had to go get a new costume. I was really proud of myself because I only spent $13 dollars on this great item. I found it at J. Christopher's.

Who will you be voting for on November 4th?