Monday, September 08, 2008


  • The other day driving home from school Elijah said, "when I grow up I want to work with big trucks like Papa." To which I replied, "that is great honey. You can do or be anything you want to be." After several minutes of silence he said, "and mom, will you color my hair gray like Papa?"

  • Driving to Nawna and Papa's last weekend we past the cemetary on Airport Road. Elijah asked if that was where his Grandma Frieda was buried. I told him it was not. He then stated that even though Grandma had died, she was now in heaven with God. He talked about how she was no longer in pain and could get out of bed. Then he asked if God had beds for those who went to heaven. I told him I am sure He did. Then he wanted to know what kind of beds. I told him that everyone's was probably different but I imagine they are the most magnificent beds ever. Then he said "mom, do you think when I get to heaven my bed will hold 21 people?" I laughed. Obviously peeved by my laugh he said, "WHAT? I know 21 people!"

Afternoon at the park

After church yesterday, we ate lunch at Fugi's with some great friends. Then Lacy and I took the kids to Craighead Forest Park to let them burn some energy. Grady and Elijah had a blast! Lacy, Lucas and I tried to stay in the shade and catch up.

Who will you be voting for on November 4th?